2022 EAS Award for Outstanding Achievements in Mass Spectrometry


Professor Martin F. Jarrold obtained his PhD from the University of Warwick in the UK. He was a NATO Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and then joined the Physics Research Division of AT&T Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey. His work at Bell Laboratories focused on investigating the physical and chemical properties of semiconductor nanoclusters, particularly silicon clusters. He moved to Northwestern University to become a Professor in the Chemistry Department. While at Northwestern he performed pioneering work developing methods to extract structural information from mobility measurements, and used ion mobility mass spectrometry to investigate the structures of peptides and proteins. In 2002 he moved to Indiana University as Professor and Robert & Marjorie Mann Chair in the Chemistry Department. At Indiana, his research group investigated phase transitions in size-selected metal nanoclusters and charge separation in natural phenomena like the bursting of bubbles. Jarrold’s recent research in charge detection mass spectrometry (CDMS) has transformed mass spectrometry, allowing accurate molecular weight information to be determined for high mass ions into the gigadalton regime, such as viruses, vaccines, and nanoparticles. This work has had translational applications to assessing virus assembly and the analysis of gene therapies.