Employment Bureau

EAS continues to be invested in connecting employers with skilled scientific minds.  All registered and onsite hiring manager’s will have an opportunity to submit positions for posting on the employment bureau bulletin board.  For consideration, submit your single page job posting including clearly identifiable on-site contact information to job_postings@eas.org.

EAS will print and post the job postings on the employment bureau bulletin board for easy access to attendees.  Using the provided posting contact information, EAS attendees will be able to contact the hiring managers directly to express their interest or to provide your application materials.  There is no fee to post jobs.

Employment Bureau hours will be 9:00am – 4:00pm, November 17-20, 2024

Employer Instructions:
  • Advance registration of employers is permitted for the Employment Bureau. Someone from your company must register and attend EAS. Job postings may be submitted on your Company stationery (please include job title, description, location, and contact information). You may submit electronically your company’s job posting and emailing them no later than Friday, November 15, 2024, to: job_postings@eas.org.   Job postings will be accepted any time after your company has registered for EAS.
  • If advance submission of Job openings is not possible, these may be submitted in a hard copy form after you register with the Employment Bureau on site.
Employee Instructions:
  • Postings of current job openings will be available for private review in a room located on 2nd Floor.
  • Access to these postings is offered Monday through Wednesday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM to all registered attendees of EAS.
  • If you wish to contact an employer regarding a job posting, you may contact them directly using the information provided on the job posting.
  • EAS will not be collecting resumes; you can submit it directly to the contact person per the instructions listed for that job opening.

Contact Bernadette Taylor at askeas@eas.org if you have questions or need more information

EAS offers a discounted registration rate for those who are unemployed.  Please contact us for more information:  askeas@eas.org