Plenary Lecture: there will be a special Fields Award presentation on Monday, November 18 at 4:30pm in the Double Tree Grand Ballroom. All registered attendees are welcome to attend.
Presentation Title: When Someone Says “Everybody Knows That …” Stop Listening! Adventures in Basic and Translational Research
Sponsored by Bristol-Myers Squibb

Professor Irving W Wainer is an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology, Cooper Medical School of Rowan University and Senior Investigator in the Laboratory of Clinical Investigation at the National Institute on Aging/NIH. He received his Ph.D. degree in chemistry from Cornell University and did postdoctoral studies in molecular biology (University of Oregon) and clinical pharmacology (Thomas Jefferson Medical School). He worked for the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a Research Chemist where his duties included the FDA’s program on the stereoisomeric purity of drugs, and held positions at St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, at McGill University as Professor and Head, Pharmacokinetics Laboratory, Department of Oncology, and at Georgetown University as a Professor of Pharmacology. Professor Wainer’s research includes the study of the effect of disease progression and aging on drug metabolism in critically ill and terminal patients. His laboratory has developed a series of new tools for drug discovery using cellular membrane affinity chromatography (CMAC), which is based upon immobilized receptors, drug transporters and enzymes placed in flow systems. The CMAC technology is the key component of the recent funding for award (2013-2015) that Professor Wainer received from the NIH Intramural Center for Tobacco Regulatory Science (ICTRS) for “Identification of active component patterns in tobacco smoke.” Professor Wainer is also the Principal Investigator in a NIA sponsored drug discovery program, which is currently developing new therapeutic agents for the treatment of oncologic and cardiovascular diseases and for use in depression and pain therapy.
Professor Wainer has published over 350 scientific papers, 10 books, 25 book chapters and holds 11 patents. He was founding editor of the journal Chirality (1988-1994), and Senior Editor of the Journal of Chromatography B (1993-2003). His awards include: the “Harry Gold Award” from the American College of Clinical Pharmacologists; “Sigma Xi Science Award”, Food and Drug Administration Sigma Xi Club; “A.J.P. Martin Medal” presented by the Chromatographic Society; Elected Fellow of the American Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences; Elected Member of the United States Pharmacopeial Convention Committee of Revision for 1995-2000; Dr. Honoris Causa awarded by the Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland (2006), Dr. Honoris Causa awarded by the Department of Medicine, University of Liege, Liege, Belgium (2012), and the 2013 Dal Nogare Award presented by the Chromatography Forum of the Delaware Valley.