E16-35: Hands-on FT-IR Microspectroscopy

One-Day Course 
Wednesday, November 16, 8:30am – 5:00pm

Dr. John A. Reffner, John Jay College, New York, NY
Dr. David W. Schiering, Czitek, Danbury, CT

A little more than thirty years ago we saw a revolutionary change in approach to microanalysis in infrared (IR) spectroscopy – the combination of optical microscopy with IR beam condensing optics. This change led to much greater adoption of Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) microspectroscopy methods and opened up many new applications. IR spectroscopy is a highly specific method for materials characterization and with the microscope, the analyst has the ability to characterize complex samples on the micro level. This course will introduce the fundamentals, instrumentation, and applications of FT-IR microspectroscopy and will also present sample preparation methods. The instructors will aid the students in the preparation of samples and the interpretation of results and artifacts.

This one-day course will benefit analysts and researchers who perform or have an interest in FT-IR microanalysis in broad fields including the pharmaceutical, materials, polymers, and chemical industries as well as forensic science, art conservation, geology, minerology, and academic instruction.

1. Optical Microscopy Fundamentals
2.  FT-IR Microspectroscopy Instrumentation and Methods
3. IR Spectroscopy – A Refresher
4. FT-IR Microspectroscopy Applications
5. Solid Sample Preparation Methods for FT-IR Microspectroscopy Analysis
6. Practical: Hands-on Sample Preparation and FT-IR Microanalysis

John A. Reffner is currently a Professor of forensic science at John Jay College, CUNY in New York, NY.  His scientific interests are focused on uniting microscopy with spectroscopy and applying novel technologies to advancing materials and forensic science.  He pioneered the development of infrared micro-spectrometers, accessories and innovative applications of infrared microprobe technology. Dr Reffner’s scientific accomplishments are recognized by his receiving the American Society of Trace Evidence Examiners’ Edmond Locard Award (2016), Society of Applied Spectroscopy’s Gold Medal Award (2015), the American Academy of Forensic Sciences’, Paul L. Kirk Award (2004), the New York Microscopical Society’s, Abbe Memorial Award (2002), the Georgia Microscopical Society’s, Honorary Achievement Award (2002), the Coblentz Society’s Williams-Wright Award (2000), and the Illinois State Microscopical Society, Emile M. Chamot Award (1993).  In 2011, Dr. Reffner was named a Fellow of the Society of Applied Spectroscopy.  He authored more than 80 papers, four book chapters and is the inventor on ten patents.  He served as a consultant to the Connecticut State Police for over twenty-five years, and testified as an expert witness in criminal, civil and patent litigations.

David W. Schiering is a managing partner of Czitek, a private company focused on FT-IR spectroscopy instrumentation. He has more than thirty years of experience in the development and marketing of instrumentation for chemical measurements. Throughout his career he has been at the forefront of the technical and application development of FT-IR microspectroscopy. Previously, Dr. Schiering was the Vice President of Science and Technology for Smiths Detection. Dr. Schiering has also been employed in technical and management roles at SensIR Technologies, Thermo Electron (now Thermo Fisher Scientific), and Perkin Elmer. Dr. Schiering, who has authored more than 25 publications on various aspects of vibrational spectroscopy, holds a PhD in analytical chemistry from Miami University.  While at Miami University, in 1983 he aided in the formation of the Molecular Microspectroscopy Laboratory (MML) in the Department of Chemistry. The MML is dedicated to furthering science and education in the vibrational microspectroscopies – IR and Raman. Dr. Schiering has served the Coblentz Society as a member of the Board of Managers and as secretary from 1991 to 2010. In 2011, Dr. Schiering was made an Honorary Member of the Coblentz Society.

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