One-Day Course
Tuesday, November 16; 8:30am – 5:00pm
Dr. Matthew S Klee, XO Associates LLC, Northborough, MA
This course is oriented to GC/MS operators who have not had any formal training in gas chromatography and/or mass spectrometry. Fundamental concepts are introduced and explained in the context of how the instruments are used and results generated.
This course is oriented toward occasional users as well as newly assigned users of GC/MS systems who have not had recent training in the area. Fundamental physical and mechanical processes will be presented in a way that will help GC/MS users be more comfortable and effective in operating and maintaining their instruments.
1. Overview: What Makes MS an Ideal Detector for GC?
2. General Components of Mass Spectrometers
a. Vacuum systems
b. Sources
c. Mass analyzers
d. Detectors
e. Data systems
3. Ionization Modes
a. Electron ionization
b. Chemical ionization
4. Data Acquisition
a. Why there are different tunes
b. Proper selection of data acquisition parameters
5. Qualitative Analysis
a. Characteristics of MS spectra
b. General concepts in interpreting mass spectra
6. Quantitative Analysis
a. General concepts and terminology
b. Picking quant and qual ions
c. Setting up a SIM table for quantitation
7. Maintenance: Typical MS Maintenance

Dr. Matthew S. Klee, PhD, is an internationally recognized analytical instrumentation expert, scientist, inventor, and author. He is considered one of the leading authorities in the areas of GC and GC/MS instrumental analysis. In addition, Dr. Klee is renowned for the quality and relevance of his live, on-line, and on-demand technical courses and presentations and has been a regular presenter of GC and GC/MS related short courses at PittCon.