Professor Nicholas H. Snow is Thomas and Sylvia Tencza Professor and Chair of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Seton Hall University. He holds a BS in Chemistry from the University of Virginia and a PhD in Analytical Chemistry from Virginia Tech, where he worked under Professor Harold McNair. He has been with Seton Hall since 1994 and has mentored 25 PhD and MS thesis students and dozens of undergraduates. He has authored or co-authored over 100 journal articles and two books, mostly relating to gas chromatography, GC-MS, sample preparation, and including most areas of separation science. He has co-taught over 100 short courses covering the breadth of separation science.
At Seton Hall he is recipient of the Bishop Bernard J. McQuaid Medal for outstanding long-term university service and the Albert Hakim Faculty Service Medal for service to the faculty. He was a founding member of the University Teaching Fellows, a GEM Teaching Fellow and Peer Leader in the University Seminar on Mission and has been recognized for outstanding teaching and service to students by the Seton Hall Board of Regents. As an academic leader, he has served as Middle States Re-accreditation Faculty Chair, Department Chair, Associate Provost, and Director of Sponsored Research.
He has served on the Governing Board of the Eastern Analytical Symposium for 30 years and was President in 2001. He is GC Connections Editor of LCGC International, Associate Editor of the Journal of Liquid Chromatography and Related Technologies and he serves on the Editorial Boards of Separations, Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation and Green Analytical Chemistry.