What is the Schedule for EAS?
Details will be published in the preliminary program on our website in the mid-July.

When are housing forms available?
Housing details are available on our Hotel menu on the website.

Where is Plainsboro, New Jersey located?
Driving directions to Crown Plaza Princeton Conference Center are linked here.

What is the closest railroad station to the meeting?

There is a New Jersey Transit and Amtrak Station located 5 miles away at Princeton Junction Station at West Windsor (Northeast Corridor Line).



What is the nearest international airport?

Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) in Newark, NJ is 39 miles away.  NJ Transit has a train from Newark Airport to Princeton Junction (45-50 min. train, then 5 min. taxi)

Trenton Mercer Airport (TTN) in Ewing Township, NJ is 16 miles away with airline service by Allegiant and Frontier Airlines (no train service)

Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) in Philadelphia, PA is 60 miles away with train connections via SEPTA to NJ Transit.

When is the deadline for submitting contributed abstracts?
The deadline is May 1, 2018.

How do I submit a contributed abstract?
You may submit the abstract online at our web site eas.org/asubmit. Generally the abstract is 200 to 250 words long (maximum) and must contain the title of the presentation, the names, complete mailing addresses, and phone numbers of the authors, an indication of who the presenting author will be. A preference for oral or poster format should be indicated and the category/topic of your presentation should be provided.

Where does my abstract appear?
An on-line archive of abstracts of papers presented at the EAS will be available on the web at the start of the meeting. Submission of an abstract constitutes permission for EAS to publish your abstract on the web, and in other forms, so long as EAS does not materially alter the content.

What are the Guidelines for Contributing or Invited Speakers?
Detailed guidelines for Contributing or Invited speakers is available.

When can I put up my Poster?
Detailed guidelines for Poster presenters is available. EAS will be using electronic poster format for 2018.

Will I receive an acknowledgment that my contributed abstract has been received?
You will receive an acknowledgment via email of receipt of your abstract immediately after submitting, provided a valid email address was entered.

When will I hear if my presentation has been accepted?
The program committee will meet in May to consider all submissions. Presenting authors will be informed of the status of their presentations in June.

Is a proceedings published after the meeting? Is it possible to obtain the text of presentations from the meeting?
No, we do not publish a proceedings after the meeting. Abstracts of presentations are given to conferees at the meeting, along with the Final Program. Abstracts will be available on line after the meeting. Complete texts of presentations are not available. Recording of presentations, by camera or by audio recording, is expressly forbidden.

Is there a discount for ACS (SAS, AMS, NYMS) members?
Although EAS is sponsored by these organizations, there is no discount for their members. Discounted rates are offered until Oct. 15th.

What is included in a Symposium & Exposition Conferee registration?
Registration as a Symposium & Exposition Conferee entitles one to attend the technical sessions (oral and poster presentations), the exposition, workshops, and the employment bureau. You will also receive a souvenir, be able to attend the special lectures and mixers.

What is included in an Exposition-Only Attendee registration?
Exposition-Only Attendee registration entitles the attendee to visit the exposition, poster sessions, workshops and employment bureau, but not the oral technical sessions. It also includes a souvenir, admittance to the keynote & plenary lectures and mixers.

If I am going to take an EAS short course do I need to register for anything else?
To take an EAS short course you must register as a Symposium & Exposition Conferee, in addition to paying the fee for the short course.

May I register for an EAS short course in conjunction with an Exposition-Only Attendee registration?
No, you must register as a Symposium & Exposition Conferee to take EAS short courses.

Is it possible for multiple people to share a registration?
No, each registration is for one specific person only.

What do I do if I lose my badge?
If you lose your badge, you can have a replacement badge printed for a fee of $25.

What are the dimensions of an EAS electronic poster?
For 2018 EAS will not be using poster boards.  All accepted posters will be posted electronically and viewed on individual monitors.  Accepted posters will be submitted either prior to the symposium or when registering at the event as either a Power-point slide deck or high resolution Image.   More details will follow including an example poster template to maximize the usefulness of the displays.

What does EAS supply for an electronic poster presentation?
EAS supplies the monitor. Accepted posters will be submitted either prior to the symposium or when registering at the event as either a Power-point slide deck or high resolution Image.   More details will follow including an example poster template to maximize the usefulness of the displays.

What AV is available for oral presentations?
EAS supplies a LCD projector and a screen for each oral session. If additional equipment is required, it must be requested at least one month prior to the meeting. EAS does not provide laptops, so please check with your session chair.

How does an exhibitor registration vary from an exhibit-only registration?
An exhibitor registration entitles the bearer to represent an exhibiting company in their booth at the equipment exposition as well as the privileges of a full conferee. An exhibit-only registration entitles the bearer to visit the equipment exposition.

How does the employment bureau function?
The complete information on the employment bureau is available our website. Generally, prospective employees bring their resumes on a USB drive with them to the meeting. Prospective employers email the posting in advance or bring a copy of the job postings with them to the meeting. Interviewing facilities are available for use during the meeting. Copies of the resume books and job posting books are available immediately after the meeting.

May I use the employment bureau with an exhibit-only registration?

How much does it cost for unemployed people to attend the meeting?
Unemployed people may receive a reduced conferee registration. Please contact the Executive Secretary as askeas@eas.org

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