2017 EAS President
The year 2017 begins a new journey for EAS with our move to the Crowne Plaza Princeton – Conference Center in Plainsboro, NJ. We are very grateful for the past 25 years in Somerset, have many fond memories of the times we spent, and truly are appreciative of the consistency it afforded. However, over the past few years we have consistently heard feedback from our exhibitors and conferees that the facility no longer met the needs for EAS and that there was a desire to have the symposium under one roof. It has been years in the making and we are very excited to have identified the Crowne Plaza Princeton-Conference Center which will allow us to have the entirety of the symposium (Exposition, Technical Program, and Short Courses) under one roof in a modern updated facility. Our hope is that there will be an increase in the level of interactions between conferees, speakers, exhibitors, and short course attendees. Please make sure to let everyone know about our change of venue.
The theme for EAS this year is “Building our Analytical Future” and hopefully you will recognize our desire to continue building Eastern Analytical Symposium into the premier analytical symposium. The theme design revolves around a blueprint, and as such, we are designing our program to offer a “blueprint” to the future of both EAS and analytical science as a whole. Our Plenary lecture on Monday will be given by our 2017 EAS Award for Outstanding Achievements in the Fields of Analytical Chemistry, Prof. Janusz Pawliszyn from the University of Waterloo. The lecture is open to all registered EAS attendees and all are encouraged to attend. Our Awards committee, led by Cecil Dybowski, is continuing the tradition of presenting awards to distinguished leaders in multiple areas of the analytical disciplines. The invited program is taking shape (click here for list of invited sessions) and we encourage everyone to submit their oral and poster presentations for consideration. As you have come to expect, EAS 2017 will continue to offer an impressive assortment of Short Courses, Workshops, and Exhibitors; download the preliminary program for more details.
We hope that you will take the opportunity to build your analytical future alongside Eastern Analytical Symposium. I look forward to interacting with all of you both online and in person in Princeton, NJ this November 13-15.
Justin Pennington
2017 EAS President