Welcome to the 52nd Eastern Analytical Symposium and Exposition!

President – EAS 2013
Once again, thousands of scientists from everywhere are in Somerset, New Jersey, for another fantastic symposium for people with one common thread: Analytical Chemistry. On behalf of the Governing Board, I invite you to explore what EAS has to offer.
First, the outstanding three-day technical program is packed with 57 oral sessions and 11 poster sessions. Our Award winners and speakers are leaders in their field of analytical sciences. The information undoubtedly will enable you to enhance your career as you apply new skills and knowledge directly to your work.
Join us on Monday at 4:30 pm at the plenary session. It is an exciting, unprecedented event where we bring all participants together for the EAS Award for Outstanding Achievements in the Fields of Analytical Chemistry. There will be refreshments and a prize drawing after the presentation to allow for more networking opportunities.
The symposium also provides over 20 short courses on analytical sciences’ hottest topics offered at the most reasonable price. Here you have a chance to learn and discuss in person with the best instructors in the fields.
How about opportunity for professional growth? The benefits of networking with colleagues and experts in your field are invaluable. Visit our Employment Bureau to check available positions in our area and attend our professional workshops. Others have found a new employee or their next opportunity at EAS. We also have seminars for students who are interested in analytical sciences.
The exposition features the latest products and solutions for your testing needs. You can discuss your analytical issues and interact directly with exhibitors with our newly restructured Exhibit Hall. Here you also meet hundreds of presenters with their posters of various analytical researches and findings. How exciting! And, while you are here, have a light lunch and participate in the Technology Tour.
Finally, I thank the speakers, instructors, exhibitors and participants for their contribution to the exceptional symposium. I also thank the Governing Board for their time and efforts to build such an exciting program. Without you, there would be no EAS!
It will be an outstanding three days. Many of you have shown extraordinary commitment to analytical sciences by attending this year’s conference despite economic challenges. Your time is valuable; therefore, you have my commitment that this event will bring you new ideas, new solutions, new friends, new contacts, and new opportunities. Likewise, I look forward to meeting you, making new friends and catching up with my old friends!
So come on now, celebrate the Analytical In Motion with me at EAS 2013!
Kim Huynh-Ba
EAS 2013