Call for Award Nominations, Young Investigator & Student Awards

EAS will be presenting six awards to Analytical Scientists who have distinguished themselves. The Premier Award is the “Eastern Analytical Symposium Award for Outstanding Achievements in the Fields of Analytical Chemistry”. The “Fields” award is given to that scientist who is recognized for major contributions to Analytical Chemistry in multi-disciplinary areas of analytical chemistry.

In 2026 four other EAS Awards will recognize the contributions of scientists who have made outstanding achievements in the areas of Magnetic Resonance, Mass Spectrometry, Separation Science, and Vibrational Spectroscopy (Chemometrics in 2027).  EAS will also recognize the substantial early-career contributions to analytical science with the Young Investigator Award.  We encourage nominations of young scientists in all fields of analysis for this singular recognition; see below for nomination details.

EAS Awards are selected by independent juries of experts in these respective fields from nominations received by the Award Committee from the scientific community at large. Each award consists of an honorarium, travel expenses to EAS, a plaque, and the opportunity for the Awardee to present his or her work at EAS at an Award Symposium in his/her honor.

Persons wishing to make a nomination for any of the awards given by EAS (Fields of Analytical Chemistry, Magnetic Resonance, Mass Spectrometry, Separation Science, and Vibrational Spectroscopy) in 2026, should send complete documentation of the candidate (nominating letter summarizing achievements, curriculum vita or résumé, a statement of the nominee’s willingness to present an address as part of an EAS Award Symposium, and arrange for at least one seconding letter from outside the candidate’s own organization) electronically (single PDF file is preferred) to:

The length of the nomination packet should be commensurate with the nominee’s accomplishments, but should be limited to six to eight pages for the supporting documents (not including the CV). The deadline for 2026 award nominations is September 1, 2025 for all awards.  Click here for a list of EAS Awards and to view our past award recipients; click here.

Tom Brettell
Awards Chair


EAS Young Investigator Award for 2025!

The Eastern Analytical Symposium (EAS) invites nominations for the EAS Young Investigator Award. The Award will be presented at the 2026 Eastern Analytical Symposium. The Award recognizes outstanding contributions by an early year scientist to the development of any aspect of analytical chemistry. To qualify for the award, candidates must be within 10 years of receiving their highest degree at the time of the award session, and must have made significant contributions to the field of analytical chemistry that have helped advance the state of the art. Weight will be given to candidates who have taken a leadership role at their university, institute, or place of business.  In addition to an award presentation at the 2026 EAS, an honorarium and travel expenses are attached to the award.

Persons who wish to make a nomination for the 2026 EAS Young Investigator Award should send complete documentation of the candidate (nominating letter summarizing achievements, curriculum vitae or résumé, a statement of the nominee’s willingness to present an address as part of the award symposium, and at least one seconding letter, preferably from an institution other than that of the nominee). The length of the nomination packet should be commensurate with the nominee’s accomplishments, but should be limited to six to eight pages. Self-nominations will not be accepted. The deadline for the 2026 Award nomination is Sept. 1, 2025 The Awardee will be selected by a jury of analytical scientists and notified by December 2025.

Please send the nomination materials electronically (one single PDF file is preferred) to


 2025 Undergraduate Student Award Nominations

The Eastern Analytical Symposium and Exhibition annually offers awards to recognize and encourage scientific promise and research talent in several under-graduate chemistry students. Each college may nominate one student who will be a senior in November of 2025. Nominate one of your students!

Winners will receive an all-expense paid trip to the EAS, be presented with plaques at an award luncheon, and have an opportunity to present their research project in a poster session. In addition, they will be able to participate in all the usual activities of a world-class scientific convention and meet distinguished members of their future profession. Professors who nominate the winners will receive free full-conferee registration for the EAS. Full information on the EAS technical program and exposition can be found at

The awardees will be students who are already involved in research, in the broad field of analytical chemistry. Nominations should be in the form of a letter including the following:

  • Your appraisal of how the student handles research, deals with problems, and gets involved in the research process.
  • Student’s postal and e-mail addresses for both the current spring semester and the summer.

Nominations are due by April 30, 2025, and should be submitted by e-mail to

Questions: Contact Dr. Tom Brettell at

Tom Brettell
Student Awards Committee


2025 EAS Graduate Student Research Awards

EAS will again be offering an award to graduate students to encourage and reward students who show outstanding talent for scientific research. This award will be open to graduate students who have been significantly involved in a research project at the graduate level for approximately a year or more, and who will not have graduated by the Fall 2025 semester. Nominate one of your students!

Winners will receive an all-expense paid trip to the EAS, be presented with plaques at an award luncheon, and have an opportunity to present their research project in a poster session. In addition, they will be able to participate in all the usual activities of a world-class scientific convention and meet distinguished members of their future profession. Professors who nominate the winners will receive free full-conferee registration for the EAS. Full information on the EAS technical program and exposition can be found at

Students working on novel analytical methods or interesting new applications for analytical techniques will be considered.  Nominations should include a synopsis of the research project, written by the student. This should include results obtained so far, as well as plans for future work. The synopsis should not exceed three typed pages. In addition, the nominating professor should provide a letter appraising the manner in which the student handles their project, dealing with all the aspects of research: obtaining background  information, planning and carrying out experiments,  approaching problems, and working with colleagues. Finally, it should include the student’s postal and e-mail addresses for both the current semester and the summer.

Nominations are due by April 30, 2025, and should be submitted by e-mail to

Questions: Contact Dr. Tom Brettell at


Tom Brettell
Student Awards Committee